Your fantastic business idea sailed through the feasibility study and now the business plan is almost complete, which is the time to start thinking about your digital profile. There was a time when it was a novelty for a business to have a website. Those days are long gone as we live in a digital world and with that in mind, here are a few do’s and don’ts when you publish your company website online.
Do Make Sure You Are 100% Legal
According to the law, you have to insert your business registration data on the company website, which would be in small print at the bottom of the page. Talk to a business lawyer and they will advise you accordingly. There are many types of business registration and making a mistake will be costly.
Don’t Forget To Proofread
The last thing you need are errors on the company website. All content should be well-written and error-free. Ask several people to check for errors. Most entrepreneurs turn to sales copy writers when they want to set up a business website, with SEO people creating the content for maximum exposure to Google. Images and video should be professionally created and if you need a webmaster, the developer can manage the site on your behalf, posting new content and monitoring traffic.
Do Create A Digital Marketing Plan
There isn’t much point in publishing a company website if no one knows of your existence. Enlist the services of a leading web development and marketing agency and let them design a dynamic campaign to get you noticed. The agency has a wide range of digital marketing strategies and tailor their services to suit the client. Social media marketing can be very productive, while SEO will help customers find you via Google.
Don’t Be Unprotected
Cyber-security should be a priority for every business – large and small. Your critical business data could be hacked by cyber-criminals at any time and you wouldn’t even know! The web designer can provide cyber-security at an affordable rate and with 24/7 support, your digital platform will always be online.
Do Publicise The Event
You should definitely take the opportunity to create a grand opening; there’s nothing like announcing your arrival in style and a local PR company can handle everything. The more exposure you get, the better and with a structured marketing plan in place, the only way is up.
Don’t Stop Web Development

There are a lot of website development agencies like WebBox Cardiff or your city trusts that you can seek help from, so make sure to check them out and avoid neglecting your web’s development. The day that your website is live on the Internet isn’t the day that your website is finished. The digital platform is designed to evolve and ongoing development begins the day the site is first online. As the business grows, so will your web content and the site can be added to in many ways, with a whole list of powerful features. The launch of a business website is a milestone in every entrepreneur’s life and we hope the above information helps you to be ready for the grand opening of your company website.