- Law & Rights

Which Pitfalls To Avoid When Hiring A Lawyer

Hiring a lawyer can be a daunting task, so this article offers some advice to try and choose the right person for you before parting with your money.

Many people starting out in business have what they feel are fantastic ideas that will soon have them semi-retired and enjoying a life of luxury. Unfortunately, that only happens to a few setting out on the road. That is a sad fact of business life.

However, ensuring that a new venture is not built on sand, but has put sound business practices and foundations in place is a good start along with speaking to a professional – for foreign investors in Bangkok, for example, preferably an expert who can provide or has provided them legal assistance for Thailand BOI company registration. For those looking for legal experts in another country, a quick Google search should lead you to a reputable international law firm near you.

Finding a reputable and reliable company will stand any business in good stead, yet there are some common pitfalls made when hiring a lawyer.

Failing To Do Research

Reputations in all forms of business count for a lot, but how are these reputations formed? Is it just online talk and big words claiming to have years of experience or are they the real deal? It is important to get referrals and check out the background of whom you will be paying your money to. Check out a lawyer directory and try speaking to other business owners to source advice. Don’t believe the hype before checking it out.

Going For The First Lawyer You Find

Once you have made a list of who you consider to be reputable, start shopping around. Do not just go for the first firm you find. Many will offer different ranges of service and expertise. Nobody would presume that all business owners know the same, so do not assume that all lawyers are an expert in every department of their profession. Meet the lawyer in person and determine if they are someone you wish to rely upon, rather than just exchanging phone calls or emails.

Ignoring Small Or Medium Sized Firms

A small or medium sized law firm can sometimes offer a better service. Find out when your lawyer is available and if they will have time to deal with you or will you be passed around among others when they are busy with a higher profile assignment. That personal touch and the opportunity to build trust and a rapport can mean a relationship lasting for years.

Choosing The Cheapest Option

If you go for the cheapest option, do not be disappointed if you do not get the best results. It may look attractive to your balance sheet, but it’s no good if you need to pay someone else later to put something right. Save your money and spend it on something enjoyable instead.

Not Asking Enough Questions

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As you are likely to be paying by the hour, it’s a good idea to write down all your questions in order of importance. Perfect planning prevents poor performance as the saying goes. And find out what you are paying for and get it in writing!

Don’t assume because a lawyer tells you what you want to hear that you are getting the best advice. Sometimes the truth will hurt, but it will stand you in better stead in the long run. Prepare, shop around, ask questions and do your research before employing the services of any lawyer for the benefit of individuals and businesses.